SCABC President’s Report WKBRegional meeting April 15, 2019

S.C.A of BC – President’s Report

April 15, 2019, held at the MIDWAY SENIOR CENTRE
Here we are in Midway for our Spring Meeting of the West Kootenay/Boundary
Regional Seniors.
West Kootenay/Boundary has 18 branches, the largest region in B.C. Midway
and Greenwood were in the Okanagan Region but since they have no Regional
Director, they asked to join our region.
Branches are responsible for organizing activities to keep seniors healthy and
busy. By the sounds of the activity reports given today, we are doing that very
The Regional Meetings are held twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the
The Provincial Association oversees all the branches in B.C. The AGM is in Canoe
this year on May 2 to 4, where resolutions are presented and guest speakers
present information presentations on matters relevant to seniors. Delegates
take this information back to their branches.
Exercise seems to be the best medicine for everything these days and I must
say I see lots of seniors walking. Also, you can participate in the Senior Games,
being held in Kelowna this year from September 10 to 14. There are a variety of
activities you can choose from and this is also a good way to get in shape.
The Provincial Board and I wish to thank all of you for keeping seniors active. At
the present time, the Board is preparing for the AGM. We also deal with inquiries
and do most of our business by email.
Keep up the good work.
Respectfully Submitted:
Gale Detta, President