April 10, 2017, held at the TRAIL SENIOR CENTRE
Good Morning, I am Pearl Harper and am presenting this report as Linda Martin, Vice-President of the Passmore Senior’s Branch 116 is sick.
We have 42 members. Our Branch meets monthly at the Passmore Hall on the second Sunday of the month at 12 noon, followed by a potluck lunch and a fun game of cards named Kekee.
Carpet bowling is every Wednesday at 1 p.m. This past year we entertained a team from the Grand Forks Seniors, it was an enjoyable time.
We play cards every Friday at 7 p.m., alternating between crib and whist.
Our fundraising event was our Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast, with a raffle and a silent auction. This year we will be having our Pancake Breakfast the week before Mother’s Day, May 7th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. with a silent auction.
In June we enjoy a wind-up picnic at one of our member’s home along the Slocan River.
We do not meet during the summer months of July and August.
We celebrate Christmas with a potluck lunch, live music and a sing-along.
We support the Slocan Valley food bank and sponsored a family in the valley with a food hamper.
The Guest Speakers for the past year were:
Sandi McCreight from Castlegar, speaking on PRIME, the medical emergency information we require to fill out and store inside or our refrigerator. On another occasion, Sandi presented information on Elder Abuse Prevention.
Dana Burgess, Seniors Transportation Coordinator from the Moving Together Committee affiliated with Nelson Cares, spoke on transportation needs, for medical appointments and social outings for seniors in the Slocan Valley, Kaslo, Nelson, Castlegar and Trail areas. I also attended meetings of this committee; we are constantly investigating ways to improve the transportation, along with finding a way to acquire a van or bus outside of transit to provide transportation for medical and social needs.
Four of our members attended a two-day workshop on completing Representation Agreements. Appointing someone to take care of our health concerns and requests when we are not able to make these decisions on our own. These members are now available to the community to help understand and complete this important legal document for your health wishes.
We have one life member – Lydia Kania.
The Passmore Seniors are looking forward to another enjoyable year.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Martin, Vice-President
Passmore Seniors Branch #116