Here is a chance to participate in a study funded by the University of Waterloo International Research and Partnership Grant to examine the effects of health on mobility among Canadians. The aim is to determine how health as well as physical, cognitive and social factors influence injury rates including driving and fall related accidents. Findings from this project will lead to program and service development that address the needs of Canadians as they age. Follow up studies will be done in 5 year intervals to see how health, mobility, driving practices, the environment, activity levels and cognitive function have changed. Comparing data every 5 years will result in greater understanding of health and mobility trends among an aging population. For additional insight findings from this study will be compared to residents of France, who have completed the same survey.
The survey is completed through Survey Monkey. In order to participate, you must be over the age of 45. There are 90 questions asking about your health, mobility, social demographic factors, driving, falls and a few questions on memory, sleepiness and distraction. The survey should take between 45 minutes to an hour to complete. You can stop, save, and return to the survey at any time if you cannot complete it in one go. The survey is available in both English and French.
The survey is completely confidential. Your name and any other identifying information will be removed from the database prior to analysis. You will be referred to only by an assigned study ID (or number). All findings from the study will be reported anonymously and secured on password-protected computers at the University of Waterloo. You are allowed to skip questions throughout the survey should you choose to do so or withdraw altogether by closing your web browser without submitting your responses.
There are 5 small prizes to be won for a restaurant certificate. If you enter for a chance to win a prize the information collected to draw for the prizes will not be linked to the study data in any way, any identifying information will be stored separately, then destroyed after the prizes have been provided. The amount received is taxable. It is your responsibility to report this amount for income tax purposes.
For any questions you may also contact Sarah Laberge at 519-878-1637, email, or the Principal Investigator Dr. Alexander Crizzle at 306-966-2773, email
To complete the survey in English, please click on