Minutes from the WK/B Regional Spring Meeting



April 3rd 2018 Spring Regional Meeting—Balfour Seniors Centre


The Spring meeting of the West Kootenay/Boundary Regional Seniors was held on Monday, April 3rd, 2018 in Balfour Seniors Centre. The meeting was called to order by Ralph White, Regional Chair, at 11:00 AM with the singing of O’Canada. The Seniors’ Prayer was read by Wilbur Wostradowski, Regional Secretary.  There were 35 members present with 18 delegates and 17 visitors.

Adoption of Agenda: – M/S/C that the Agenda as circulated be adopted.

Secretary Wilbur Wostradowski circulated the minutes of the October 3rd, 2017 Fall Meeting.  The Minutes were accepted as presented.

Treasurer Janice Wostradowski read the Treasurer’s Report. The bank balance as of March 31st, 2018 is $149.16 + $25 in the share account.  The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.

Old Business:

  1. 2018 AGM of the Senior Citizens’ Association being held in Fruitvale May 3 to 5, 2018. We hope to see a large contingent from the Branches in this Region.

New Business:

  1. 12 Branch Annual Reports were read to the Meeting and copies (with exception of Nakusp) are attached to the original minutes. It is always great to hear what the branches are doing for the seniors in their areas.
  2. Following the Branch Reports, we all enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by the Balfour Seniors. Following lunch, the meeting reconvened.
  3. Branch Data Sheets: – Wilbur asked all those present to turn in their Branch Data Sheets.
  4. Membership Dues: – Please see the Treasurer, Janice Wostradowski, after the meeting to pay your 2018 Membership dues.
  5. Resolutions: – The Resolutions to be presented at the AGM of the Senior Citizens’ Association of B.C. were read to the meeting. A short discussion followed.
  6. Report from Gale Detta, President of the Senior Citizens’ Association of B.C. a copy of her report is attached to the original minutes.
  7. Report from Lorrie Bradford on the Senior Citizens’ Association of B.C. Website.
  8. Spring Meeting Date: – Due to the changing weather, a discussion was held regarding the 2019 Spring Meeting Date. M/S/C That the 2019 Spring Meeting be held on the 3rd Monday in April.

Election of Officers: – Wilbur Wostradowski conducted the Election of Regional Officers with the following results: Regional Chair: Ralph White elected by acclamation.  Regional Vice-Chair: Gale Detta elected by acclamation.

The Date and Location of the Fall Meeting will be Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018 in Edgewood, Branch 150.

Thank You, Balfour, for hosting this meeting.

Adjournment: – Ralph White adjourned the meeting at 1:56 PM.