Our Branch continues to be quite active; host a breakfast and lunch each month open to the general public, regular days of carpet bowling, floor curling and drop in pool games. Carpet bowling is really popular this year with three carpets in use for many days. Telkwa, Granisle and Houston get together several times a year for carpet bowling competitions. As mentioned last year, we are playing darts every Wednesday. We also rent our hall out to various groups for meetings, training and family gatherings.
Our team of 4 carpet bowlers and a pairs team won the right to represent our area at the Provincial championships to be held in Prince George this May.
The Curling Club grant we received last year has allowed us to continue on with our Seniors’ Thursday morning curling this year. We had a good turnout of up to 14 curling. Lunch was supplied with participants paying part of the cost and curling club picking up the rest. Curlers voted to pay the full cost of ice time and lunch next year.
Seniors games Zone 11 held a “Try It” sports day in Burns Lake. A grant was received to cover the cost of hosting this day with an extra $1,000 going to the Zone. Curling, Sturling (2 person curling with special rules), Carpet bowling, Pickleball, and Whist were featured with 53 seniors attending. The day included lunch and social time.
Our current membership for 2018 stands at 105 members paid to date.
Arnold Amonson Branch #97