Report to West Kootenay/Boundary Regional Meeting – Midway, B.C.
April 15, 2019
Currently, we have 51 members and a few pending. We have 3 life members. 1 life
member passed away last year. Membership remains at $10 a year. We use the Burton
Hall for most of our activities. Our activities are limited due to the fact that other
organizations are providing various opportunities.
Crib is ongoing each winter. We play crib in our homes and have a wind-up potluck this
month to determine the winner.
“Just for the Health of it” was held at the Burton Learning Centre and 12 participated. It
has been ongoing for 3 years but unfortunately will be discontinued due to lack of
funding. It is an exercise program with 2 certified instructors.
We held 3 potlucks this year. October, February, and April. In October, Kyle Kusch with
the Arrow Lakes Historical Society showed a historical video.
In February, we had a Chinese Food Theme Potluck. We had cupcakes to celebrate our
40th anniversary. “The Better at Home Program” co-ordinator arranged for the bus to
bring seniors from Nakusp to join us. This Potluck proved to be popular. Louella Cann
spoke on the “Better at Home Program” and Sandi Scott on the community paramedic
program. A question period followed.
For April, we are planning on having a Ukrainian Food Theme Potluck.
Each month last Friday of the month is games night at the hall.
March 30 we had a wonderful music program with “Allensong”, Paul and Petra Allen
and the Stevenson’s from Tappen. Since it was so well received, we plan on having it
again next year.
Food seems to be a real drawing card and since we have such great cooks, we decided
on special food themes for our potlucks.
We have a catered banquet at Christmas and in June. Everyone is welcome. We charge
half price for members and pay the other half from our funds. If not a member you pay
the full price.
We are still selling our reprinted history book, “WhistleStops Along the Columbia River
Narrows”. When their gone, that’s it.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gale Detta