Senior Citizens’ Association of British Columbia
February 11, 2016
CALL TO ORDER – President Gale Detta called the meeting to order at 2 PM.
BOARD PRESENT: Gale Detta, Arnold Amonson (via Zoom), Lorraine Bradford, Ralph White, Wilbur Wostradowski, Warren Collinson and AGM Chairperson, John Lund.
Adopt Agenda – Any items to be added to the Agenda. Items added to the Agenda under new business were, #9. – Letter from Legion. M/S/C
M/S/C That the Minutes of the May 14 and May 17th, 2015 Meetings are accepted as circulated.
- Historical Items – Digitalized: – Ralph White reported that he is almost finished, just the big book left to finish. Suggested that we put this info on a disc and then have it available at the AGM for those in attendance to view. John Lund will arrange for this.
- Bursary: – This item was tabled to the 2016 AGM. The discussion on this item was how we could use funds to help the smaller branches attend the Annual General Meeting. It was then M/S/C that the Executive Board recommend to the AGM that the Registration Fee for Branches with less than 50 members be paid by the Association.
- Kitimat Situation: – Warren brought up the fact that the Kitimat Seniors Branch #129 was not able to use their Seniors Facility for about 6 months due to a Municipal Strike. He suggested that maybe we could look at giving them a break on their membership dues because of this. Ralph indicated that they have not paid their 2015 membership dues as of this date. Arnold indicated that they will be holding their next Regional Meeting in Kitimat and we can then look at it again after this.
- Regional Director for West Kootenay/Boundary Region: – It was indicated by Arnold that maybe Wilbur should be looking at finding someone else to represent the West Kootenay/Boundary Region. Wilbur informed the meeting that at their Fall Regional Meeting, Ralph White was elected Regional Chair, so at the present time he is the Regional Director for West Kootenay/Boundary Region. We will be holding our Elections at our April meeting.
- Canoe Building/Land Title: – John Lund reported that they are still in process on this and nothing has been finalised yet. He is trying to work it out so that all signings can be done during the AGM with the parties in attendance.
- Appointment of Nominations Chairperson: – Following discussion, Wilbur Wostradowski was appointed at the Nominations Chairperson.
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- Letter from Salmo Seniors Branch #108: – Wilbur read the letter informing us that they are withdrawing from the Association. They were not able to locate their Charter, but when they find it they will send it to us.
- Letter from Kettle River Seniors Association (Rock Creek Branch #102): – Wilbur read the letter informing us that they are withdrawing from the Association. They were not able to locate their Charter, but when they find it they will send it to us.
- Letter from Castlegar Senior Citizens Association Branch #46 asking us to allow them to use the Society Registration Number so they can apply for a Columbia Basin Trust Grant. We accept the letter and will give Castlegar Seniors the Society Number.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Ralph circulated the Treasurer’s Report, following discussion, it was M/S/C that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.
- Should we place some funds some funds into a Term Deposit: – Ralph indicated that we currently have a little over $45,000.00 in our bank account. M/S/C that we place $25,000.00 into a one year term deposit.
- Wilbur Wostradowski reviewed the proposed changes to the By-Laws: – Following discussion, it was M/S/C that the Senior Citizens’ Association Board recommend to the Annual General Meeting that these changes be made to the current Constitution and By-laws of the Senior Citizens’ Association of B.C. The updated Constitution & By-laws (changes highlighted) along with the list of the changes will be sent out with the Convention Call.
- Resolutions: Arnold Amonson indicated that he sent all the Resolutions in last year and he was wondering why the answers were not on the website. Lorrie indicated that they were and told Arnold how to find them. Wilbur indicated that because the Federal Government has changed maybe it would be a good idea to resubmit some of the Federal Resolutions. The meeting discussed the 5 Federal Resolutions that were passed at the Cranbrook AGM and Arnold indicated that the first one from Branch #149 Maple Ridge was not sent in to the Government as he felt it did not make much sense. The other 4 were sent in. Following further discussion, it was M/S/C that we resubmit Resolutions 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the Federal Government and that they be placed before the Canoe AGM as Resolutions from the Board. Also, Gale indicated that she had two resolutions from Burton Seniors Branch #124 that she would like added to the list. Wilbur will do this.
- Website: – Lorrie Bradford reported that the website is looked at from time to time. When she posts items on the website the Board is automatically send an email that this has been done. If you are not getting this info, then you have not indicated that you want it so you must let me know. Wilbur indicated that once he has more info from the Branches regarding their contacts on the Website he will send it to Lorrie. Also, he indicated that she may want to look at changing the format on this. She will speak to her website designer and see what can be done. Arnold asked if we could have stuff on this with people selling items, but Lorrie indicated that this is not a good idea because you could be undated with Multi level marketing people but maybe we could something with Arts and Crafts for members only. She will look into this with her web designer. Arnold indicated that their Branch has been doing things on their website that they have found very helpful. Lorrie asked him if he could send her some into on this.
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- Directors Manual: – Wilbur Wostradowski reviewed the proposed changes to the Director’s Manual and following discussion it was M/S/C that the changes to the Director’s Manual be adopted.
- AGM Guide: – The Board discussed the updated AGM Guide and Gale asked if everyone was okay with it. John Lund indicated that his members were not too happy with having to drive delegates from their hotel to the meeting site. It was explained that if they come to the AGM by a mode of transportation other than driving, they probably will not have a vehicle, so will need transportation. We all agreed that if this comes up we will make sure these people have a ride. Following this discussion, it was agreed that the AGM Guide is good as revised and also agreed that it should be included in the Director’s Manual, it will remain a document with 5 pages and be placed in the Director’s Manual between page 20 and 21A.
- Membership: – This is a Board responsibility and Wilbur told the Board that he sent letters to Revelstoke and Salmon Arm former Branches of the Association and asked them if they would consider re-joining the Association. He received an answer from Revelstoke and they declined at this time but thanked us for the invitation. He has not heard from Salmon Arm, however, John Lund told the meeting that they left the Association because they felt that the Association was not doing anything for them especially the Regional Director at the time and at the time had 650 members and paying a $3,250.00 membership fee was just not worth it. It was suggested that we send them a letter inviting them to attend the AGM to see what we are doing. John also indicated that he had to talk Salmon Valley Seniors from leaving and also his Branch was looking at it until he attended the AGM in Cranbrook. John also indicated that when Branches submit Resolutions they must be told what has happened to their Resolution, was it sent into the Government and if so was there an answer or not.
- John Lund handed out information on the MP and MLA and Wilbur will invite them to attend. Lunch on Friday will be Soup and Sandwich for $8.00. Dinner on Friday Night will be Roast Pork Loin with Potatoes, vegetables, etc. and dessert for $12.00. John will be cooking this so that is why the price is lower. Lunch on Saturday will again be Soup and Sandwich for $8.00. The Lunches will be paid for at the time and are not included on the Registration. Dinner on Saturday Night will be Roast Beef with Gravy and Horseradish, Chicken with Mushroom Sauce, Vegetable Medley, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Vegetarian Lasagne, Caesar Salad, Spinach Salad with Creamy Chive Dressing and Apple Crisp for dessert. This is $22.99 per person plus 5% GST and 15% Gratuity for a total of $27.59. This price also includes clean up. Also included is a list of the Hotels. Decided that Ralph will book the Executive into the Travelodge as it is the best price. The Mayor (Nancy Cooper) will be there on Friday Morning and hopefully on Saturday Night. Has Entertainment for Saturday Night, Country & Western Theme, cost will be $100.00. Has a piano player for Friday and can play any kind of music, he is one of the members.
- AGM Agenda: – Wilbur indicated that we do not sent out the Agenda with the Convention Call. Wilbur and Gale will do up an Agenda and send to John so he can fit in all the Speaker. He hopes to have the R.C.M.P. attend to speak on all the Fraud calls that are happening recently.
- Silent Auction: – John indicated that his members have been canvassing the businesses in Canoe and Salmon Arm for items for the Silent Auction. Also all Branches attending the AGM will be asked to bring an item for the Silent Auction.
- Convention Call: – Wilbur informed the meeting that he will be sending out the Convention Call in time for Branches to have at their March Meetings.
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- Raffle Tickets: – Ralph asked how many Raffle Tickets are required and Warren indicated that 3,000 should be enough. Ralph will take care of this.
- Spare Computer: – Ralph has a spare Laptop Computer that Warren had purchased for the Association. We will keep it for now.
- Senior financial Fraud Awareness Forum: – This forum is being held in Burnaby at the Bonsor Recreation Complex on Thursday March 17th from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. If anyone happens to be at the coast at this time, maybe they could attend. Lorrie will put on the website.
- Greenwood Seniors Branch #99 – Constitution & By-laws: – Ralph White informed the meeting that he helped them revise the Constitution & By-laws as they were quite out of date.
- Trail Seniors Branch #47 – Changing of the Guard and Constitution & By-laws: – Wilbur informed the meeting about the problems that the Trail Branch was having and how they worked at fixing the who situation. Also, they really needed to have their By-laws updated and they were a real mess and Wilbur and Ralph helped them with this. Ralph will be attending their next Branch Meeting when they put them before their members for ratification.
- Branches Added to the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Seniors: – Wilbur reported that Midway Seniors Branch #117 and Greenwood Seniors Branch #99 have both agreed to join the Region.
- Regional Director for Thompson/Shuswap Region: – John Lund is now the Director of this Region.
- Powell River Branch #49 – Situation with Senior’s Care Home – Wilbur informed the meeting about this whole situation where a couple in Powell River had the Husband go into a care home and the home was charging them 70% of their combined income instead of 70% of the husbands’ income. He told the meeting about how he was trying to get the Seniors Advocates office involved with this. He first contacted the Seniors Advocate in July last year and they appear to not have done anything with this situation. The wife had to negotiate with the care home to get a $600.00 reduction on what they were paying, but she still had to sell their home and when the care home found out she sold her home they told her she had to start paying the $600.00 again. Something here is not right. Wilbur will again contact the Seniors Advocate and try to get a resolve. He will email all the board members on what is happening on this.
- Letter from Legion: – Ralph White received an invoice from the Legion for an ad in the Military Service Recognition Book. M/S/C that we no longer purchase this ad at a cost of $247.62.
The next Board Meeting will be held in Canoe on Thursday, May 12th, 2016 at 2 PM.
There being no further business this meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wilbur Wostradowski
Administrative Assistant
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