11. Burton Seniors – Branch 124

Report to West Kootenay/Boundary Regional Meeting – Balfour, B.C.

April 3, 2018

Burton Seniors #124 has 54 members.  We operate with a board of 5 directors but no President or Vice-President for the past 3 years and no Secretary for 1 year.  The Directors alternate as president and secretary at our monthly meetings.

The most popular events seem to be our Christmas and June Banquets which are catered. Members pay $10 and the branch pays the balance. Non-members may come but pay the caterer’s full cost.

We have been having monthly potlucks since September and our last one until fall will be held in April.  We may decide to have fewer or drop them as attendance has been poor.

The Crib Tournament has fewer people playing as several members had health issues but hopefully will be back on board for next winter. We play at each other’s homes and it is a fun time. The flu has taken a hit on many of our members so it hasn’t been easy trying to get games played. Our wind-up was supposed to have been held on March 25th but the coordinator got the flu so now it has been postponed to April 8th.

A good group which seems to be growing take the exercises Friday mornings with our 2 certified instructors.

Coffee time is Tuesday and Thursday mornings and a diligent group attends.

Once a month is Games Night (Bingo included) and it remains popular.

There is Tia Chi, Pickleball and Circuit Training held in an Exercise Room at the Burton Learning School (formerly the Burton School) and some of our members join in those activities.  Since the school will be re-opening in the fall as we now have 16 children in our area most of the activities will be moving to the hall.

Red Hats is open to anyone wishing to join.  This is a group in Nakusp.  Lots of fun.

West Arrow Park Writer’s group meet once a month and anyone is welcome to join.

Friends of Old Arrow Park will be holding their annual reunion at West Arrow Park, a well-groomed park-like setting in West Arrow Park Saturday, August 11th. Everybody is welcome. If you know of former residents, please let them know. We have a potluck supper and music and visiting to follow.

Our history book “Whistle-stops Along the Columbia River Narrows” is once again available. Our branch had a reprint done but after they are gone, that will be the last. See me if you want a copy.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gale Detta, Branch 124

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